Town and country
Press and fairs
Sir William Oliphant Hutchinson (1889-1970) oil on canvas, 1920.
Life size stone bust shoulders, 18th C.
Roderick G Coslett (1781-1839) charcoal portrait, 1834.
An pink Bilston enamel box, late 18th C.
An unusual coin smuggling mahogany mallet, late 19th C.
A marble plinth, the front vaneered with onyx, 18th - early 19th C.
David Rolt (1916-1985) oil on canvas, 1954.
An Egyptian predynastic, Naqada terracotta pot, 6000-3150 BC. Rustafjaell Coll.
Three Roman glass double Balsamarium, 3rd-4th C. AD.
A old master ink drawing on laid paper of head, 17th C. Possibly Genoese school.
A Hellenistic marble cow head, 1st-4th C. BC.
A grand tour lararium, early 19th C.
A group of 16 George III bone dice, GR and crown to 9.
A minature cup with make do repair handle.
An unusual lock, 19th C.
Steel, agate and silver cuttlery, mid 18th C.
A Prusssian Potsdam goblet with Frederick the great riding a horse, 18th C.
A French portrait minature, C.1800.
A marine Ivory Inuit figure and animals, late 19th C.
An Omani hide shield, Zanzibar, 19th C.
A collection of 26 brass and steel seals, 19th C.
A Regency chalk of a gentleman.
A Meiji period Japanese inro and netsuke.
A Sinhalese lacquer handled ceremonial hoe, Sri Lanka, 19th C.
A stone facade block dated 1761.
Elephant, tiger and cheetah!! Frank Whittington, Ark collection. Early 20th C.
Charles Betremieux (1919 - 1997) French oil on canvas dated 1942.
A oak pew end, faux grain painted, late 16th C.
A Zulu hide dance shield, late 19th C.
Arthur Henry Andrews (1906-1966) oil on canvas laid on board.
Four pairs of small Georgian and later shears
A Victorian silk jockeys hat pin cushion.
Build a house. 44 pieces, mid 20th C.
An English burr folk figure, mid 19th
Napoleonic period watercolour of French soldiers around campfire, early 19th C.
A scratch built cannon model. 1st half 20th C.
A lace makers lamp, early 19th C.
A Kiribati shark tooth cross guard element, Gilbert Islands. Late 19th C.
A woven Kapriman gable mask, Blackwater River, Middle sepik, PNG. Mid 20th C.
Two weathered sandstone capitals, 16th-17th C.
Red pencil of the Lord Mayors Chapel Bristol after bombed during the Blitz. 1941
A German enamel scent bottle, late 18th C.
Yvonne Rosalind Barlow “Docks” (1924–2017), gouache on paper.
Agate handled mirror, mid 19th C.
A Tibetan chequer rug, 19th C.
A faience jug, 18th C.
A photo of the Chestnut Troop, R.H.A. (Royal Horse Arlillery), 1899.
A French tortoiseshell, gold and silver bladed berge knife, late 18th C.
A French dance card case, mother of pearl, silver and gold, late 18th C.
A coat of arms on vellum, mid 19th C.
Two Staffordshire, miniature platters one Hackwood and a tea bowl, 1810-1830.
A cased model steam engine, late 19th C.
A French chiseled steel small sword or transitional rapier guard, 16th-17th C.
A watercolour of a French gentleman, mid 19th C.
A Chinese Neolithic terracotta pot, 2800-2500 BC.
A repousse copper panel of Jesus risen, 17th C.
A set of German silver and bone travelling cutlery, late 18th C.
A Ugandan astralogical stool, late 19th C.
A Georgian simulated shagreen box .
A Greek gnathian ware rubber lekythos, 4th C. BC.
A coco de mer, early 20th C.
An Abelam mens comb ornament, Sepik, Papua New Guinea. early 20th C.
A Japanese lacquer inro, 17th or 18th C.
A shell with ribbon and old collection no.
A Chinese lacquer bridge model, late 19th C.
A Chinese box with chi-tzu (toggles) and jade rings, mid 19th C.
Regency cut out block prints of attic ware vases.
A rose quartz, silver and mother of pearl bell push, C.1920.
Auctioneers catalogues and account books of furniture and livestock, 1876-1897
A Victorian carte de visit. After shooting a moose, 1879.
South Staffordshire enamel stag bonbonniere, 18th C.
Three English turned walnut salts, mid 19th C.